
Victoria Topping


Part of the new Zodiac series.

Sagittarius - November 22nd - December 21st

A gallery quality giclee print

Edition of 50

Professionally printed by the artist on 300gsm 100% cotton rag paper with waterbased UV resistant inks. These giclee prints are luxurious, and last a lifetime.

Available in three sizes: A3, A1, A0.

Please be aware that all prints are printed with a 2 cm white border, which is not included in the print dimensions above. This is to allow for various framing options. The dimensions listed above are for the printed area of the paper only.

Regular price £300.00

Part of the new Zodiac series.

Sagittarius - November 22nd - December 21st

A gallery quality giclee print

Edition of 50

Professionally printed by the artist on 300gsm 100% cotton rag paper with waterbased UV resistant inks. These giclee prints are luxurious, and last a lifetime.

Available in three sizes: A3, A1, A0.

Please be aware that all prints are printed with a 2 cm white border, which is not included in the print dimensions above. This is to allow for various framing options. The dimensions listed above are for the printed area of the paper only.