Collection: Donk London

Knights of the crusade and B.boys break dancing. Rag & bone men, pitiful horses and the grey London streets. Dusty relics, faded empires and finding the keys to the time machine. The last of the cockney robots and feeling pre-digital. Sonic booms that light up the night sky and wide eyed astronomers who won't go to bed.

But most of all being brave!

In 2008 I created 'Donk' as a creative space, or banner name under which to explore an anonymous street application of new ideas, pasting these images onto the streets of London and elsewhere.

The images form in storybook fashion, and often allude to aspects of growing up, or the journey from innocents to more adult awareness. I remix elements of urban culture and history across a time-line of my own making, at once referencing the past and the contemporary to make playful and anachronistic connections between universal themes of human strength, vulnerability and the passage of time.

My aim is to communicate something sincere but ultimately entertaining.

The editions you find here, all started as high contrast photographic constructs, which I then translate into these hand finished screen prints.
Donk London